
Views are the presentation layer of the application. Typically, you will use a templating engine to create the presentation, though Phlyty makes no assumptions about what or how that engine works. It only requires that you provide a class implementing Phlyty\View\ViewInterface that provides a render method; it is then up to you to pass the two arguments to that method on to your templating engine in order to obtain a representation.

If the above does not suit your needs, you can, of course, always instantiate your own view objects and use them as you see fit in the application.

The ViewInterface

The ViewInterface is a trivial definition:

namespace Phlyty\View;

interface ViewInterface
    * Render a template, optionally passing a view model/variables
    * @param  string $template
    * @param  mixed $viewModel
    * @return string
    public function render($template, $viewModel = []);

Mustache Integration

Phlyty uses phly_mustache < by default, and provides some convenience classes and functionality around this templating engine.

First, it provides Phlyty\View\MustacheView. This is a simple extension of Phly\Mustache\Mustache that alters the render() method to make it suit the ViewInterface.

Second, it provides Phlyty\View\MustacheViewModel. This class can simplify creation of your view models by providing several convenience features. First, it composes the application instance, as well as an instance of Zend\Escaper\Escaper. These allow you to access any application helpers you might want when providing your view representation, as well as context-specific escaping mechanisms (for instance, to escape CSS, JavaScript, HTML attributes, etc.). Additionally, it provides a convenience method, bindHelper(), which allows you to create closures as model properties, and have them bound to the model instance; this allows the closures to have access to the model via $this, and thus access the application and escaper instances, as well as all properties.

The application instance is available via the pseudo-magic method __app(), and the escaper via __escaper().

$model = $app->viewModel();
$model->route = 'bar';
$model->bindHelper('link', function () {
    return $this->__app()->urlFor($this->route);

The template might look like this:

You should <a href="{{link}}">visit</a>

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